Visual Designer - IBC Bank
Work done for IBC Bank in Laredo Texas as a Visual Designer. Works posted onto organizations social media platforms to thousands of customers across Texas and Oklahoma.
Booklet designed and edited for our CEO.
Short video made for international customers.
Directing Editing Sound Design |
Internship - Sames Auto Arena
Work done at the Sames Auto Arena in Laredo Texas as a Marketing Intern. All works were posted onto the organizations social media sites, where users were able to engage and anticipate their respective events.
Graphic Design
Final project for a design course where we had to use one of the different advertising methods to develop an advertisement for a company of our choice.
Snapchat Filters
Video Production
Final class project to write, film, edit, and perform a scene in Italian - Italian I & II
Directing Acting Editing Sound Design |
Final class project - Video Production II
Editing Sound Design |
Experimental film - Video Production II
Editing Sound Design |
work continues on Instagram